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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Miracles Experienced

  1. My Experience Growing Up
    1. Growing up as a Child

a)  This is a dream when we lived on Harbor Hill in New York.  My friend Jeff Pheilen, my brother James and I were lying on the ground in the front yard during the summer time.  Jeff and James are asking questions about Alaska since all three of us knew at that time I was adopted, so I decided to tell them a story since I couldn't and still don't remember much of anything from Alaska. What I told them was how we went fishing one time and I caught a big whale and how I saved the whole town from starvation, and then it happened!!  As ironic that is all my life when I have been fishing I didn't catch much of any thing and my friend Jeff and my brother James would always catch something good!!


b)  I don't remember how old I was at the time, I know before I was a teenager, I had a great sense of a loving lost one morning, two or three days later my mom tells me our aunt Dee past a way, she was sick, one of my favorite relatives that brought fun memories to my summer vacations with family members.


    1. Young Adult

a)  Another time I had a great sense of a loving lost is when my grandmother past a way, on my moms side, I was in GA attending Devry, once again about two days later my moms calls and say my grandmother past a way, so I travel home and we attend her funeral in New York.


b)  I can't seem to remember if this was before college or after I flunked out of college, this one has to do with my brother James, this one really made me wonder who am I!!  I had a sense of knowledge of my brother being in trouble, at the time he owned a Little Ninga, a motorcycle.  I could tell it was night time, he was driving quit faster than the speed limit, and the motorcycle slid out from him!!  This still brings tears, fears and hope to me, I felt as if I commanded someone to balance James on his leather wallet in his back pocket!!  So time passes and James comes down from New York and tells mom and I the exact same thing, but a few more details, like he was traveling about 90 miles an hour, and the side of the wallet that I can't remember now, and he left a bar after drinking.


c)   I don't know why, but one day I decided it was time for me to get married, so I prayed to Jehovah calling him by name for a wife to bring me to the true god of mankind, I would say about two or three months later I met Tina, after we got married and I learned some of the truth I told Tina, I don't think she believes me.


    1. After I got baptized

a)  Then I didn't know, but when I got baptized in water so did I get baptized with the holy spirit.


b)  As I best can remember every time I talked about Jehovah's kingdom I would fell the holy spirit flow through me.  Once when brother Warlage (sp) took me with him to a mans house, once after the park down town got reconstructed, and a church was their and I talked to an young man and woman their, and after the congregation reproved me as I tried to talk to the man at discount mufflers.


c)   After Tina and I had Timothy, only I worked, so money was tight, but many times after work (Pizza Hut) Bob Morris would let me take home left over pizzas.  Tina always thought I was buying them but I wasn't, this went on for quit a time.  After some time went by maybe years or what ever, Tina finally told that sometimes she may cook for me and Timothy, but go for a day or two with out eating, and all she had to eat was the pizzas then.


  1. The past 5 to 7 years
    1. Black out at Moen

I have about 45 minuets I can not account for at Moen, I remember being with Mrs. Chapman, Mr. More office to be disciplined.  I then say “Oh Jehovah” and next remember walking back to my work area with Mrs. Chapman.  I have a sense of knowledge of three different events and an image of me sitting in a chair with a newspaper in a polorid picture, but it is not me!!  I saying Jehovah predicted these events through me!!

a)  9/11

b)  Seven terrorist arrested believed to be associated with 9/11

c)   Head-On product


    1. Multiple visions and my first remembrance of voices of me at Moen and how thing changed, but it is confusing to me, I am not totally sure the order of events that was to happen but will try to my best to tell how they happened, and what changed.


a)  There is so much happening is this dream I will try to get it all.  I am told my Tammy Petifer to get on the Raymond having the sense of proclaiming the heavens a day or two earlier.  So now I am sitting in the Raymond equipment getting ready to work, I have on my red and black flannel shirt on, so it must be cool or cold outside.  Chuck Reynolds, Rodger More, and Brian Mailer come to me while I am sitting in the Raymond I send me back to the production floor.  To witness this is Henry Gaskins, Tereasa Jones, Donna Williams and Vergina Williams.  Oscar Berry is walking by, I have the sense of displeasure from him since Amy Warren  was to be terminated from Moen that has something to do with me, which is the reason why Tammy was to be back.  Serrita Taylor believes they are trying to fire me, so she grabs my hand, tell them to leave me along.  To make me feel better Jehovah speaks during this dream saying he resigns and I automatically understand he meant Chuck, she leaves, again I automatically understand Serrita. In the end none of this happens but what Jehovah speaks of.


b)  In this dream I am in what is called the Two Handle Crib Extension, a work area of our department.  I dreamed that I called a meeting with Chuck Reynolds, Brian Mailer, and Rodger More, and then I called Jehovah and he had spoken to them.  What did happen I called them after about a week and having a head ache of feeling I was to do so, and told them about the dream above and how everything has changed!!  The only thing I get out of this is that Jehovah is given me knowledge and protection from those three!!


c)   In this dream I see myself now working in the shipping area of my department, what I do is proclaim that  the kingdom of the heavens draw near, I only see one of my work associates name Darris Smith near asking why I said that and I reply with it seemed the thing to do.  I had great urges to do so but fear keep me from doing so like it wasn't suppose to happen as it once was thought too.


    1. Visions of a brother at Kingdom Hall

I have seen him after this dream at our Kingdom Hall, I just see his face and him coming in passing Tim Talmage, then sitting there at the what I think is the Sunday service.  What is bothering me about this dream, no more dream, or voice, but a sense of knowledge.  What I sense is that he has legal trouble at work, but the only way he can save himself is to admit to his wifes allegations.


    1. Visions of Moen under water

This dream I see myself and Oscar Berry for some reason unknown, what happens is that I see Moen totally covered from the ground and up and above the roof top with water.


    1. Visions of a house

What I see first is a living room light green in color, with a couch that has flowers on it, and a gold floor lamp stand next to the couch.  Then for some reason a natural gas line coming out of the wall, with a flexible gas line leaking in to both the lamp and the couch.


    1. Visions of earth

What I see in my dream is the globe of the earth from outer space.  I can see the the land, and the waters, and the clouds.  Then all of a sudden I see mushroom clouds, not one but two coming out of the earth.  That morning I saw on the CNN Headline news at Moen the prediction of the meteorite to hit the earth in 2032!!  I believe it is going to happen, I have a memory that isn't clear but I do see a meteorite racing through the heavens at earth then hitting the earth, I didn't know when or were!!


    1. A three part vision of  an Airport

a)  The first part I see myself on a plane with the sense of leaving home to do work.

b)  The second part of the dream repeats itself but with two ideas that can happen.

        1. The first one is that I am entering the airport terminal to go back home.  As Tim Talmage and I as well as some faceless brother walk through the doors, being orderly,  respectful of one another and of Jehovah's name and organization, I walk right through seating area down the corridor to the plane immediately.
        2. The second one is that I am entering the airport terminal to got back home again with Tim Talmage and the other brothers, but what happens is different.  We walk in laughing, shaking hands, and seem like kidding around, the bad part is the faceless brothers are wearing shirt, pant and an over coat, what they do is open their coats to a glass wall facing the seating area and open their coats as to joking flash people there.  Then I seat myself looking at my ticket waiting to board.


    1. Voices telling me “Save then” that has repeated a few times, then it says “Save them all” and it has repeated a few time too!!



BC said...

*** it-1 p. 970 God ***
"The true God, the Creator of the glorious heavenly bodies, has glory and brilliance beyond the ability of fleshly sight to endure, for “no one may see [God] and yet live.” (Ex 33:20) Only the angels, spirit creatures, have vision that can behold his face in a literal sense. (Mt 18:10; Lu 1:19) Nevertheless, he does not expose people to such an experience. In loving-kindness he enables men to see his fine qualities through his Word, including the revelation of himself by means of his Son, Christ Jesus.—Mt 11:27; Joh 1:18; 14:9".
Since no one can see God, and yet live, obviously it was NOT the God of the Bible that you saw!

tdmeskimo said...

Yes brother I am aware of your concerns so lets rewrite the bible accordingly so like gen 2:15-17 who spoke to Adam, and gen 8:15,16 who spoke to Noah, and gen 3:4,5 who spoke to Moses. These brother who i call out here have known of my sole for nearly a score so watch you tongue before you criticized before you are called out too!